The site is devoted to training programs and electronic textbooks
Electronic textbooks
Training programs
    Multimedia interactive programs
    Remote training

The Kabardinian alphabet

(for russian-speaking & english-speaking users)

About the program

The offered project is the first attempt of creation of the high-grade multimedia interactive training program which as we hope, becomes the convenient and useful tool for the Russian-speaking users, wishing to learn kabardinian language from zero. Also the given program can be interesting and for native speakers. We hope, that they will find for themselves here something useful. Proceeding from that studying of language begins with studying the alphabet, we bring to your attention the chapter "Phonetics" from the book «Grammar of Kabardinian-Circassian language», released by the Kabardino-Balkarian scientific research institute in 1957 which till now is considered one of the best in the given area.

During the designing of the program the most important was the creation of the friendly interface, therefore we hope, what even the beginning user will not meet difficulties when working with the program. Navigation also is as much as possible simplified, to tell, that everything enough, that is allocated by dark blue color, is a link. At any moment trained user can interrupt and pass tests to estimate itself. It is possible to take rest and see also a clip in performance of group "Grani" (Sides) in kabardinian language.

We are not going to stop on the alphabet, and we plan release of a full rate (and not only for Russian-speaking users). The programs for English-speakers, Turkish-speakers and Arabic-speakers are in the developing stage now. Therefore we invite to cooperation of everyone who considers{counts} that it is necessary to support{maintain}, develop and propagandize адыгские languages and can bring the feasible contribution to this business.

You can download the program here

Owing to presence of restrictions on a free-of-charge hosting this program is divided into 10 parts (a comment on 5 Mb). For correct work it is necessary to execute following actions:

- To download all ten parts in a separate folder
- To choose any part the right button of the mouse
- To press «Unpack into the current folder», and wait for the end of unpacking
- Open a file Setup Adygebze-rus-eng

Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10

We wish successes!


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